Ancestral Report for Numan, Willem Matthijs
Generation 1
1. Numan, Willem Matthijs. Willem Matthijs was born on 1892-01-12 in Amsterdam. He died on 1921-12-07 at the age of 29 years, 10 months. He was the son of Numan, Willem Matthijs and Baarscheer, Saartje. He married Vissers, Anna Christina on 1913-03-26 in Amsterdam.
Spouse: Vissers, Anna Christina.
Anna Christina was born on 1893-12-05 in Amsterdam. She died after 1930 at the age of more than 36 years, 27 days.
More about Numan, Willem Matthijs:
Occupation: brievenbesteller.
More about Vissers, Anna Christina and Numan, Willem Matthijs:
Marriage: 1913-03-26, Amsterdam.
Generation 2
2. Numan, Willem Matthijs. Willem Matthijs was born on 1859-07-14 in Amsterdam. He died on 1932-05-01 at the age of 72 years, 9 months. He was the son of Numan, Willem and Scheevaas, Helena Henrica. He married Baarscheer, Saartje on 1891-07-29 in Amsterdam.
More about Numan, Willem Matthijs:
Occupation: opperman.
Residence: 1859, Amsterdam. Blindemanssteeg 127.
De Blindemansteeg 127 werd later de Land van Beloftensteeg. Nummer 127 werd door de omnummering nummer 1. Toen het huidige Tuschinski werd gebouwd (voltooid in 1921), verdween de Land van Beloftesteeg.
Residence: from 1889-08-20 to 1889-09-02, Amsterdam. Binnengasthuis.
3. Baarscheer, Saartje. Saartje was born on 1863-09-02 in Amsterdam. She died on 1934-04-14 at the age of 70 years, 7 months. She was the daughter of Baarscheer, Johannes George and van Dam, Catharina.
More about Baarscheer, Saartje:
Residence: from 1869 to 1873, Amsterdam. Binnengasthuis.
Residence: from 1874 to 1893. Anjeliersstraat; Drie Roemersgang 139.
Children of Baarscheer, Saartje and Numan, Willem Matthijs
i. Numan, Helena Hendrika. Helena Hendrika was born on 1889-09-06 in Amsterdam. She died on 1978-10-13 in Amsterdam. She married Wendels, Piet Willem on 1910-06-23 in Amsterdam.
ii. Numan, Willem Matthijs [1]. Willem Matthijs was born on 1892-01-12 in Amsterdam. He died on 1921-12-07. He married Vissers, Anna Christina on 1913-03-26 in Amsterdam.
iii. Numan, Hendrik Johannes. Hendrik Johannes was born on 1897-11-07 in Amsterdam. He died on 1978-06-07 in Amsterdam. He married de Roo, Anna Maria on 1919-07-23 in Amsterdam.
More about Baarscheer, Saartje and Numan, Willem Matthijs:
Marriage: 1891-07-29, Amsterdam.
Erkenning van 1 kind. Dat zal hun dochter Helena wel zijn.
Generation 3
4. Numan, Willem. Willem was born in 1827 in Amsterdam. He died in 1884 at the age of 57 years. He was the son of Numan, Johannes and Holleman, Willempje. He married van Wilgen, Johanna on 1851-10-15 in Amsterdam. He also married Scheevaas, Helena Henrica on 1857-05-27 in Amsterdam.
More about Numan, Willem:
Occupation: houtzaagmolenaarsknecht.
More about van Wilgen, Johanna and Numan, Willem:
Marriage: 1851-10-15, Amsterdam.
5. Scheevaas, Helena Henrica. Helena Henrica was born in 1834 in Den Bosch. She died in 1888 at the age of 54 years. She was the daughter of Scheevaas, Mathias and Speereboom, Trijntje.
Children of Scheevaas, Helena Henrica and Numan, Willem
i. Numan, Willem Matthijs [2]. Willem Matthijs was born on 1859-07-14 in Amsterdam. He died on 1932-05-01. He married Baarscheer, Saartje on 1891-07-29 in Amsterdam.
ii. Numan, Helena Catharina. Helena Catharina was born in 1873 in Amsterdam. She married van Bemmel, Gerrit Johannes on 1905-04-05 in Amsterdam.
More about Scheevaas, Helena Henrica and Numan, Willem:
Marriage: 1857-05-27, Amsterdam.
6. Baarscheer, Johannes George. Johannes George was born on 1819-09-17 in Amsterdam. He died before 1873 at the age of less than 53 years, 3 months. He was the son of Baarscheer, Johannes George and Lotman, Sara Catharina. He married van Dam, Catharina on 1849-07-11 in Amsterdam.
More about Baarscheer, Johannes George:
Religion: RK.
7. van Dam, Catharina. Catharina was born on 1819-12-30 in Amsterdam. She was the daughter of van Dam, Jan Gerritse and Willemse, Antje.
More about van Dam, Catharina:
Religion: NH.
Children of van Dam, Catharina and Baarscheer, Johannes George
i. Baarscheer, Catharina. Catharina was born on 1850-01-09 in Amsterdam.
ii. Baarscheer, Antje. Antje was born on 1856-05-27 in Rotterdam.
iii. Baarscheer, Saartje [3]. Saartje was born on 1863-09-02 in Amsterdam. She died on 1934-04-14. She married Numan, Willem Matthijs on 1891-07-29 in Amsterdam.
More about van Dam, Catharina and Baarscheer, Johannes George:
Marriage: 1849-07-11, Amsterdam.
Johannes was katholiek en Catharina Ned.Hervormd
Residence: 1853, Amsterdam. Tuinstraat 526 voorkamer.
Generation 4
8. Numan, Johannes. Johannes was born on 1798-10-11 in Amsterdam. He died on 1844-01-17 in Amsterdam at the age of 45 years, 3 months. He was the son of Numan, Johannes and Kuijpers, Maria. He married Holleman, Willempje on 1822-10-23 in Amsterdam.
More about Numan, Johannes:
Occupation: metselaarsknecht.
9. Holleman, Willempje. She was baptised on 1795-12-20 in Amsterdam. She died on 1869-09-30 in Amsterdam. She was the daughter of Holleman, Adrianus and van den Brink, Klaasje.
More about Holleman, Willempje:
Baptism: 1795-12-20, Amsterdam.
Children of Holleman, Willempje and Numan, Johannes
i. Numan, Marritje. Marritje was born on 1820-05-28 in Amsterdam.
ii. Numan, Johannes. Johannes was born on 1822-06-23 in Amsterdam. He died on 1853-03-10 in Amsterdam. He married Tietzel, Catharina Dorothea on 1849-01-24 in Amsterdam.
iii. Numan, Pieter. Pieter was born in 1825 in Amsterdam. He died after 1852.
iv. Numan, Willem [4]. Willem was born in 1827 in Amsterdam. He died in 1884. He married van Wilgen, Johanna on 1851-10-15 in Amsterdam. He also married Scheevaas, Helena Henrica on 1857-05-27 in Amsterdam.
v. Numan, Hendrik Johannes. Hendrik Johannes was born on 1832-01-28 in Amsterdam. He died on 1878-09-04 in Bloemendaal. He married Scheevaas, Wilhelmina on 1865-07-19 in Amsterdam.
vi. Numan, Maria Wilhelmina. Maria Wilhelmina was born in 1836 in Amsterdam. She died after 1862.
More about Holleman, Willempje and Numan, Johannes:
Marriage: 1822-10-23, Amsterdam.
10. Scheevaas, Mathias. Mathias was born on 1803-11-02 in Appingedam. He died after 1841 at the age of more than 37 years, 1 month. He was the son of Scheefhals, Hendricus and van Kuijk, Cornelia. He married Speereboom, Trijntje on 1839-08-17 in Den Bosch.
11. Speereboom, Trijntje. Trijntje was born in 1805 in Deventer. She died after 1841 at the age of more than 36 years. She was the daughter of Speereboom, Dirk Hendriks and Triebat, Alberdiena.
Children of Speereboom, Trijntje and Scheevaas, Mathias
i. Scheevaas, Helena Henrica [5]. Helena Henrica was born in 1834 in Den Bosch. She died in 1888. She married Numan, Willem on 1857-05-27 in Amsterdam.
ii. Scheevaas, Wilhelmina. Wilhelmina was born in 1838 in Den Bosch. She died after 1907. She married Numan, Hendrik Johannes on 1865-07-19 in Amsterdam.
iii. Scheevaas, Alberdina. Alberdina was born in 1841 in Den Bosch. She died after 1873.
More about Speereboom, Trijntje and Scheevaas, Mathias:
Marriage: 1839-08-17, Den Bosch.
12. Baarscheer, Johannes George. Johannes George was born on 1790-10-09 in Amsterdam. He died before 1851 at the age of less than 60 years, 2 months. He was the son of Baarscheer, Johannes Coenraad and Piepert, Johanna. He married Lotman, Sara Catharina on 1821-12-05 in Amsterdam.
More about Baarscheer, Johannes George:
Occupation: sjouwerman.
13. Lotman, Sara Catharina. Sara Catharina was born on 1797-05-28 in Amsterdam. She was the daughter of Lotman, Gerardus Petrus and Willemse, Margaretha.
More about Lotman, Sara Catharina:
Religion: RK.
Residence: 1852-05-04, Amsterdam. Angeliersgracht (Ramengang) No 10 – 475.
Children of Lotman, Sara Catharina and Baarscheer, Johannes George
i. Baarscheer, Johannes George [6]. Johannes George was born on 1819-09-17 in Amsterdam. He died before 1873. He married van Dam, Catharina on 1849-07-11 in Amsterdam.
ii. Baarscheer, Margaretha Christina. Margaretha Christina was born in 1823 in Amsterdam. She died after 1861.
iii. Baardscheer, Sara Catharina. Sara Catharina was born in 1825 in Amsterdam. She died after 1846.
iv. Baardscheer, Antonius Bernardus. Antonius Bernardus was born in 1827 in Amsterdam. He died after 1864.
v. Baarscheer, Maria. Maria was born in 1837 in Amsterdam. She died after 1860.
More about Lotman, Sara Catharina and Baarscheer, Johannes George:
Marriage: 1821-12-05, Amsterdam.
14. van Dam, Jan Gerritse. He was baptised on 1793-05-12 in Amsterdam. He was the son of van Dam, Jan and Smaale, Kattriena. He married Willemse, Antje on 1825-07-06 in Amsterdam.
More about van Dam, Jan Gerritse:
Baptism: 1793-05-12, Amsterdam.
Occupation: schildersknecht.
15. Willemse, Antje. She was baptised on 1794-11-07 in Amsterdam. She died before 1852. She was the daughter of Willemse, Willem and Roos, Sara.
More about Willemse, Antje:
Baptism: 1794-11-07, Amsterdam.
Children of Willemse, Antje and van Dam, Jan Gerritse
i. van Dam, Catharina [7]. Catharina was born on 1819-12-30 in Amsterdam. She married Baarscheer, Johannes George on 1849-07-11 in Amsterdam.
ii. van Dam, Dirk. Dirk was born on 1827-03-09 in Amsterdam.
iii. van Dam, Abraham. Abraham was born on 1830-05-23 in Amsterdam.
iv. van Dam, Mijntje. Mijntje was born on 1834-02-23 in Amsterdam.
v. van Dam, Lena. Lena was born on 1836-10-21 in Amsterdam.
More about Willemse, Antje and van Dam, Jan Gerritse:
Marriage: 1825-07-06, Amsterdam.
Bij hun huwelijk werden 2 kinderen erkend.
Residence: 1852. Anjeliersgracht 10.
Religion: NH.
Generation 5
16. Numan, Johannes. He was baptised on 1757-09-11 in Amsterdam. He died on 1810-06-12 in Hellevoetsluis. He was the son of Numan, Simon Hendrik and van Hesel, Rabekka. He married Kuijpers, Maria on 1788-04-18 in Amsterdam.
More about Numan, Johannes:
Baptism: 1757-09-11, Amsterdam.
Occupation: matroos.
17. Kuijpers, Maria. She was baptised on 1764-12-26 in Amsterdam. She died after 1822. She was the daughter of Kuijpers, Evert and Pick, Adriana.
More about Kuijpers, Maria:
Baptism: 1764-12-26, Amsterdam.
Children of Kuijpers, Maria and Numan, Johannes
i. Numan, Johannes [8]. Johannes was born on 1798-10-11 in Amsterdam. He died on 1844-01-17 in Amsterdam. He married Holleman, Willempje on 1822-10-23 in Amsterdam.
More about Kuijpers, Maria and Numan, Johannes:
Marriage: 1788-04-18, Amsterdam.
18. Holleman, Adrianus. Adrianus was born on 1768-03-16 in Amsterdam. He died on 1823-10-15 in Amsterdam at the age of 55 years, 6 months. He was the son of Hollemans, Pieter and Reijmers, Anna Francina. He married van den Brink, Klaasje about 1795.
More about Holleman, Adrianus:
Occupation: sjouwer.
19. van den Brink, Klaasje. Klaasje was born about 1767. She died after 1823 at the age of more than about 56 years. She was the daughter of van den Brink, nn and Kreeft, Teuntje.
Children of van den Brink, Klaasje and Holleman, Adrianus
i. Hollemans, Pieter. He was baptised on 1790-03-26 in Amsterdam.
ii. Holleman, Adrianus. He was baptised on 1793-06-09 in Amsterdam.
iii. Holleman, Willempje [9]. She was baptised on 1795-12-20 in Amsterdam. She died on 1869-09-30 in Amsterdam. She married Numan, Johannes on 1822-10-23 in Amsterdam.
More about van den Brink, Klaasje and Holleman, Adrianus:
Marriage: about 1795.
Religion: NH.
20. Scheefhals, Hendricus. Hendricus was born in 1774. He died after 1847 at the age of more than 73 years. He married van Kuijk, Cornelia about 1805.
21. van Kuijk, Cornelia. Cornelia was born in 1774 in ’s Gravenhage. She died on 1847-09-26 in Den Bosch at the age of 73 years, 8 months. She was the daughter of van Kuijk, Jacobus and Westerhoek, Helena.
Children of van Kuijk, Cornelia and Scheefhals, Hendricus
i. Scheevaas, Mathias [10]. Mathias was born on 1803-11-02 in Appingedam. He died after 1841. He married Speereboom, Trijntje on 1839-08-17 in Den Bosch.
ii. Scheefhals, Helena. She was baptised on 1807-07-27 in Utrecht. She married La Porte, Henricus Joannes on 1840-02-05 in Amsterdam.
iii. Scheevaas, Wilhelmus. Wilhelmus was born about 1810. He died on 1814-05-14 in Den Bosch.
iv. Scheefhals, Jan. Jan was born in 1815 in Deventer. He died on 1815-10-09 in Deventer.
More about van Kuijk, Cornelia and Scheefhals, Hendricus:
Marriage: about 1805.
22. Speereboom, Dirk Hendriks. Dirk Hendriks was born about 1770. He died before 1829 at the age of less than about 59 years. He married Triebat, Alberdiena about 1800.
23. Triebat, Alberdiena. Alberdiena was born about 1770. She died after 1832 at the age of more than about 62 years.
Children of Triebat, Alberdiena and Speereboom, Dirk Hendriks
i. Speereboom, Elisabetta. Elisabetta was born in 1803 in Deventer. She died on 1870-02-11 in Deventer.
ii. Speereboom, Trijntje [11]. Trijntje was born in 1805 in Deventer. She died after 1841. She married Scheevaas, Mathias on 1839-08-17 in Den Bosch.
iii. Speereboom, Willemina. Willemina was born in 1808 in Deventer. She died after 1832.
iv. Spereboom, Dirkje. Dirkje was born on 1812-09-02 in Deventer.
More about Triebat, Alberdiena and Speereboom, Dirk Hendriks:
Marriage: about 1800.
24. Baarscheer, Johannes Coenraad. Johannes Coenraad was born about 1760. He was buried on 1810-05-02 in Amsterdam. He was the son of Baarscheer, Jan Coenraad and Polman, Geertruij. He married Piepert, Johanna on 1788-08-22 in Amsterdam.
More about Baarscheer, Johannes Coenraad:
Burial: 1810-05-02, Amsterdam. Heiligewegs- en Leidsche Kerkhof.
25. Piepert, Johanna. Johanna was born about 1760. She was buried on 1808-10-02 in Amsterdam.
More about Piepert, Johanna:
Burial: 1808-10-02, Amsterdam. Heiligewegs- en Leidsche Kerkhof.
Children of Piepert, Johanna and Baarscheer, Johannes Coenraad
i. Baarscheer, Johannes George [12]. Johannes George was born on 1790-10-09 in Amsterdam. He died before 1851. He married Lotman, Sara Catharina on 1821-12-05 in Amsterdam.
ii. Baardscheer, Anna Catharina. She was baptised on 1793-02-04 in Amsterdam.
iii. Baarscheer, Gerardus Henricus. He was baptised on 1794-05-08 in Amsterdam.
iv. Baardscheer, Susanna. She was baptised on 1795-10-18 in Amsterdam.
v. Baarscheer, Maria Geertrudis. She was baptised on 1798-05-01 in Amsterdam.
vi. Baardscheer, Gerardus Henricus. He was baptised on 1802-01-22 in Amsterdam.
vii. Baarscheer, Hermanus Bernardus. He was baptised on 1806-07-07 in Amsterdam.
More about Piepert, Johanna and Baarscheer, Johannes Coenraad:
Marriage: 1788-08-22, Amsterdam.
Religion: RK.
26. Lotman, Gerardus Petrus. Gerardus Petrus was born about 1770. He died before 1821 at the age of less than about 51 years. He married Willemse, Margaretha about 1795.
27. Willemse, Margaretha. Margaretha was born about 1770. She died after 1832 at the age of more than about 62 years.
More about Willemse, Margaretha:
Occupation: visverkoopster.
Children of Willemse, Margaretha and Lotman, Gerardus Petrus
i. Lotman, Sara Catharina [13]. Sara Catharina was born on 1797-05-28 in Amsterdam. She married Baarscheer, Johannes George on 1821-12-05 in Amsterdam.
ii. Lotman, Gerardus. He was baptised on 1798-09-02 in Amsterdam.
iii. Lotman, Gerardus Johannes. He was baptised on 1799-11-29 in Amsterdam.
iv. Lotman, Catharina Magdalena. She was baptised on 1801-08-02 in Amsterdam.
v. Lotman, Gezina. She was baptised on 1803-08-09 in Amsterdam. She died after 1824.
vi. Lotman, Anthonius. He was baptised on 1805-09-15 in Amsterdam. He died after 1832.
More about Willemse, Margaretha and Lotman, Gerardus Petrus:
Marriage: about 1795.
Religion: RK.
28. van Dam, Jan. Jan was born about 1770. He was the son of van Dam, nn and Barenbroek, Alida. He married Smaale, Kattriena on 1793-01-25 in Amsterdam.
29. Smaale, Kattriena. Kattriena was born about 1770 in Amsterdam. She was the daughter of Smaale, nn and nn, nn.
Children of Smaale, Kattriena and van Dam, Jan
i. van Dam, Jan Gerritse [14]. He was baptised on 1793-05-12 in Amsterdam. He married Willemse, Antje on 1825-07-06 in Amsterdam.
ii. van Dam, Hendrik. He was baptised on 1794-06-15 in Amsterdam. He died after 1821.
iii. van Dam, Dirk. He was baptised on 1796-09-18 in Amsterdam.
iv. van Dam, Janssie. She was baptised on 1802-01-14 in Amsterdam.
v. van Dam, Abraham. He was baptised on 1803-07-24 in Amsterdam. He died after 1823.
More about Smaale, Kattriena and van Dam, Jan:
Marriage: 1793-01-25, Amsterdam.
Religion: NH.
Residence: 1793. 2e Rozedwarsstraat op ’t Schone Weespad.
30. Willemse, Willem. Willem was born about 1750. He married Roos, Sara on 1772-11-06 in Amsterdam.
31. Roos, Sara. Sara was born about 1750.
Children of Roos, Sara and Willemse, Willem
i. Willemse, Grietje. Grietje was born on 1773-01-22 in Amsterdam.
ii. Willemse, Leentie. She was baptised on 1774-10-30 in Amsterdam.
iii. Willemse, Johannes. He was baptised on 1776-05-01 in Amsterdam.
iv. Willemse, Wimpie. He was baptised on 1777-07-20 in Amsterdam.
v. Willemse, Elisebet. She was baptised on 1779-09-05 in Amsterdam.
vi. Willemse, Jozina. She was baptised on 1785-07-17 in Amsterdam.
vii. Willemse, Jan. He was baptised on 1787-04-29 in Amsterdam.
viii. Willemse, Saartje. She was baptised on 1788-08-17 in Amsterdam.
ix. Willemse, Antjje. She was baptised on 1790-08-01 in Amsterdam.
x. Willemse, Antje [15]. She was baptised on 1794-11-07 in Amsterdam. She died before 1852. She married van Dam, Jan Gerritse on 1825-07-06 in Amsterdam.
More about Roos, Sara and Willemse, Willem:
Marriage: 1772-11-06, Amsterdam.
Generation 6
32. Numan, Simon Hendrik. Simon Hendrik was born about 1725. He died after 1790 at the age of more than about 65 years. He married van Hesel, Rabekka about 1755.
33. van Hesel, Rabekka. Rabekka was born about 1721. She died after 1791 at the age of more than about 70 years.
Children of van Hesel, Rabekka and Numan, Simon Hendrik
i. Numan, Johannes [16]. He was baptised on 1757-09-11 in Amsterdam. He died on 1810-06-12 in Hellevoetsluis. He married Kuijpers, Maria on 1788-04-18 in Amsterdam.
More about van Hesel, Rabekka and Numan, Simon Hendrik:
Marriage: about 1755.
Bron: https://www.genealogieonline.nl/genealogie-van-lier/I1082623685.php
34. Kuijpers, Evert. Evert was born about 1740. He died after 1777 at the age of more than about 37 years. He married Pick, Adriana about 1760.
35. Pick, Adriana. Adriana was born about 1740. She died after 1788 at the age of more than about 48 years.
Children of Pick, Adriana and Kuijpers, Evert
i. Kuijpers, Maria [17]. She was baptised on 1764-12-26 in Amsterdam. She died after 1822. She married Numan, Johannes on 1788-04-18 in Amsterdam.
More about Pick, Adriana and Kuijpers, Evert:
Marriage: about 1760.
36. Hollemans, Pieter. Pieter was born about 1730. He died after 1795 at the age of more than about 65 years. He was the son of Hollemans, nn and Matthijsen, Hendrina. He married Reijmers, Anna Francina about 1765.
37. Reijmers, Anna Francina. Anna Francina was born about 1733. She died after 1795 at the age of more than about 62 years. She was the daughter of Reijmers, Gerrit Antonis and Beekmans, Margrietje.
Children of Reijmers, Anna Francina and Hollemans, Pieter
i. Holleman, Adrianus [18]. Adrianus was born on 1768-03-16 in Amsterdam. He died on 1823-10-15 in Amsterdam. He married van den Brink, Klaasje about 1795.
More about Reijmers, Anna Francina and Hollemans, Pieter:
Marriage: about 1765.
38. van den Brink, nn. nn was born about 1740. He had a relationship with Kreeft, Teuntje.
39. Kreeft, Teuntje. Teuntje was born about 1740. She died after 1789 at the age of more than about 49 years.
Children of Kreeft, Teuntje and van den Brink, nn
i. van den Brink, Klaasje [19]. Klaasje was born about 1767. She died after 1823. She married Holleman, Adrianus about 1795.
42. van Kuijk, Jacobus. Jacobus was born about 1740. He married Westerhoek, Helena about 1765.
43. Westerhoek, Helena. Helena was born about 1740.
Children of Westerhoek, Helena and van Kuijk, Jacobus
i. van Kuijk, Cornelia [21]. Cornelia was born in 1774 in ’s Gravenhage. She died on 1847-09-26 in Den Bosch. She married Scheefhals, Hendricus about 1805.
ii. van Kuijk, Maria. Maria was born in 1775. She died on 1813-03-25 in ’s Gravenhage.
More about Westerhoek, Helena and van Kuijk, Jacobus:
Marriage: about 1765.
48. Baarscheer, Jan Coenraad. Jan Coenraad was born about 1730. He married Polman, Geertruij on 1755-03-14 in Amsterdam.
49. Polman, Geertruij. Geertruij was born about 1730.
Children of Polman, Geertruij and Baarscheer, Jan Coenraad
i. Baarscheer, Anna Margaretha. She was baptised on 1758-04-12 in Amsterdam.
ii. Baarscheer, Coenradus. He was baptised on 1759-09-04 in Amsterdam.
iii. Baarscheer, Johannes Coenraad [24]. Johannes Coenraad was born about 1760. He was buried on 1810-05-02 in Amsterdam. He married Piepert, Johanna on 1788-08-22 in Amsterdam.
More about Polman, Geertruij and Baarscheer, Jan Coenraad:
Marriage: 1755-03-14, Amsterdam.
56. van Dam, nn. nn was born about 1740. He died before 1793 at the age of less than about 53 years. He had a relationship with Barenbroek, Alida.
57. Barenbroek, Alida. Alida was born about 1740. She died after 1793 at the age of more than about 53 years.
Children of Barenbroek, Alida and van Dam, nn
i. van Dam, Jan [28]. Jan was born about 1770. He married Smaale, Kattriena on 1793-01-25 in Amsterdam.
58. Smaale, nn. nn was born about 1740. He died before 1793 at the age of less than about 53 years. He had a relationship with nn, nn.
59. nn, nn. nn was born about 1740. She died before 1793 at the age of less than about 53 years.
Children of nn, nn and Smaale, nn
i. Smaale, Kattriena [29]. Kattriena was born about 1770 in Amsterdam. She married van Dam, Jan on 1793-01-25 in Amsterdam.
Generation 7
72. Hollemans, nn. nn was born about 1700. He had a relationship with Matthijsen, Hendrina.
73. Matthijsen, Hendrina. Hendrina was born about 1700. She died after 1752 at the age of more than about 52 years.
Children of Matthijsen, Hendrina and Hollemans, nn
i. Hollemans, Pieter [36]. Pieter was born about 1730. He died after 1795. He married Reijmers, Anna Francina about 1765.
74. Reijmers, Gerrit Antonis. Gerrit Antonis was born about 1710. He had a relationship with Beekmans, Margrietje.
75. Beekmans, Margrietje. Margrietje was born about 1710. She died after 1752 at the age of more than about 42 years.
Children of Beekmans, Margrietje and Reijmers, Gerrit Antonis
i. Reijmers, Anna Francina [37]. Anna Francina was born about 1733. She died after 1795. She married Hollemans, Pieter about 1765.